ViTour introduces a brand new tourism experience that will let you live, taste and follow the history of wine in Tarragona


Do you like wine? Would you say you’re a proper wine lover? Are you keen on having seasonal and local food products? Do you like environmentally friendly projects? And how about finding out about the stories behind those projects? If your answer to all the questions was yes, this is for you: ViTour.

Five companies within Camp de Tarragona have designed what’s known as ViTour, a brand new tourism experience that will let you live, taste and follow the history of wine in Tarragona. As a matter of fact, ViTour is a journey back in time that takes place in four periods (or four different locations), and that is due every second Saturday of the month, from 9.30am to 1.30pm. The story begins in the Roman Amphitheatre of Tarraco where Philodamus, a Roman oenologist, tells assistants about how the world of wine was back in the Roman period: How was wine consumption back then? What varieties were there? How was it commercialized? What was its value?… Staging is carried out by the re-enactment group Arqueoescena, which able as they are to perform some pretty entertaining as well as accurate stories. The event will certainly make laugh and catch the attention of those willing to attend.

Philodamvs, explicant la història del vi en temps dels romans. / ©Pere Toda-Vilaniu Comunicació
Philodamvs, explicant la història del vi en temps dels romans. / ©Pere Toda-Vilaniu Comunicació
Philodamvs, explicant la història del vi en temps dels romans. / ©Pere Toda-Vilaniu Comunicació
Philodamvs, explicant la història del vi en temps dels romans. / ©Pere Toda-Vilaniu Comunicació
La visita guiada del ViTour es fa a bord d'un bus de l'empresa Autocars Nika. / ©Pere Toda-Vilaniu Comunicació
La visita guiada del ViTour es fa a bord d’un bus de l’empresa Autocars Nika. / ©Pere Toda-Vilaniu Comunicació

After the initial presentation by Philodamus, the group taking part in the tour is driven by bus towards the Mas Vicenç winery (about 20 miles from Tarragona). Once there, Vicenç –a young oenologist that follows the tradition of various family generations concerning wine production– welcomes them. Inside this estate, users can admire how Pere Blanc, a Cistercian monk that lived there for four years, carries out his daily duties. Meanwhile, Vicenç tells them about how the world of wine was in the Cister period. Attendees are then taken on a gentle and short walk across the vineyards and an exciting wine and olive oil tasting, all of them, made in this very same winery.

En Vicenç rep els visitants a peu de vinya i explica breument la història de la finca. / ©Pere Toda-Vilaniu Comunicació
En Vicenç rep els visitants a peu de vinya i explica breument la història de la finca. / ©Pere Toda-Vilaniu Comunicació
Tast de vins a peu de les vinyes de Mas Vicenç. / ©Pere Toda-Vilaniu Comunicació
Tast de vins a peu de les vinyes de Mas Vicenç. / ©Pere Toda-Vilaniu Comunicació
Exposició dels productes de Mas Vicenç. / ©Pere Toda-Vilaniu Comunicació
Exposició dels productes de Mas Vicenç. / ©Pere Toda-Vilaniu Comunicació

Once the tasting is over, the bus takes the road again; destination, Adernats, the actual Nulles wine association (some 12 miles away). Here, Rosita, a young peasant explains how cooperative business developed and what duties were carried out in the fields in the beginning of the 20th century. The character takes attendees for a short walk towards the Modernist building, where they learn more about the architectural characteristics of these so-called wine production cathedrals. The tour is then followed by another Adernats wine and cava tasting, products that belong to the DO Tarragona trademark, together with some local olive oil.

La pagesa introdueix als visitants en el món del cooperativisme. / ©Pere Toda-Vilaniu Comunicació
La pagesa introdueix als visitants en el món del cooperativisme. / ©Pere Toda-Vilaniu Comunicació
Cooperativa de la Vinícola de Nulles, una de les anomenades catedrals del vi. / ©Pere Toda-Vilaniu Comunicació
Cooperativa de la Vinícola de Nulles, una de les anomenades catedrals del vi. / ©Pere Toda-Vilaniu Comunicació
Visita guiada a l'interior de la Vinícola de Nulles. / ©Pere Toda-Vilaniu Comunicació
Visita guiada a l’interior de la Vinícola de Nulles. / ©Pere Toda-Vilaniu Comunicació
Degustació de vins i productes de la Vinícola de Nulles. / ©Pere Toda-Vilaniu Comunicació
Degustació de vins i productes de la Vinícola de Nulles. / ©Pere Toda-Vilaniu Comunicació
Foto de grup al final de la visita a la Vinícola de Nulles. / ©Pere Toda-Vilaniu Comunicació
Foto de grup al final de la visita a la Vinícola de Nulles. / ©Pere Toda-Vilaniu Comunicació

This journey back in time is coming to an end. Visitors return to Tarragona at around 2pm where, those willing to do so –and prior reservation–, will enjoy a special lunch in some of the restaurants taking part in the ViTour project.

The starting point for the ViTour was last Saturday 16 April, and it is thought to take place from April to November, once a month (2nd Saturday), despite private ViTour is also available. For more information, visit

ViTour includes five companies: Mas Vicenç, Vinícola de Nulles, Autocars Nika, El Brogit (specialized in trekking, ecotourism and oenotourism) and Arqueoescena, and has the collaboration of the Patronat Municiapal de Turisme de Tarragona.

Text: Ivan Rodon (@irodon on Twitter)
Pictures: Pere Toda (@ptodaserra on Instagram)
Translation: Artur Santos (@artur_1983 on Twitter)
