Tarragona will become, on November 13 to 30, the capital of the creative rice dishes

III Jornades de l'Arròs

The ‘Associació de Restaurants de l’Eixample’ (ARTe) organises, on November 13 to 30, the 3rd Jornades de l’Arròs (Rice Dishes Conferences) tittled: “Arrossos Creatius: tres setmanes, tres arrossos” (Creative rice dishes: three weeks, three rice dishes). The event, which counts on the collaboration of Tarragona Turisme and Tarragona Gastronòmica, implies that all fifteen participating restaurants cook a different rice dish every week. The course will always be served together with an Inèdit individual beer, with a total cost of 14€ per person.

However, the idea is for the 3rd Jornades de l’Arròs to work a each restaurant’s suggestion of the week, so that customers are free to combine their creations with any other dish in the menu, either as a starter o main course, or even as part of each restaurant’s daily set menu, which might include a certain supplement to the price.

On the other hand, the idea is also trying to push creative cocktails, and so the organisation Arrossaires del Delta, together with the bars Mystic and Totem Café, will provide users with a cocktail night that will take place in the latter, led by a well-known cocktail’s company.

The 17 participating establishments (fifteen restaurants plus two bars) are the following: 20alarambla, Cócvla, Degvsta, DeVins, El Terrat, Mare Nostrum, Ona restaurant, Toca Peron, Braseria Passadís, Al Natural, Xamfrà del Fòrum, Cantonada, Txar3verd, Sirco Airlines i Mas Folch; Mystic i Totem Cafè.


Al Natural

Braseria Passadís


De Vins


El Terrat

La Cantonada

Mare Nostrum

Mas Folch

Ona Restaurant

Sirco Air Lines

Toca Perón


Xamfrà del Fòrum XdF

Text: Ivan Rodon (@irodon)
Photos: ARTe
Translation: Artur Santos (@artur_1983)
